The State Championships are at Balloon fiesta Park in Albuquerque on the Second Day (Sunday, May 20th) of the Celtic Festival. This is different from our game schedule which says Saturday the 19th. This is incorrect. Below is a link
Youth Rugby Article in American Ways Magazine
This is a good read.
Games in Los Alamos Saturday and Changes to Game Schedule
MYR Announcements
Directions to Saturday Touch Rugby Games in Los Alamos:
Take 502 into the heart of Los Alamos. This becomes Trinity Dr.
Drive into town and take a right on Diamond Dr.
It is at the High School Parking lot, 1300 Diamond drive. 75 meters and turn left into HS parking lot and go to left side over to gate entrances.
It is before the UNM campus
Alternate route:
You can come into town and veer right on to Canyon or Central which will merge at the pool and then follow to HS and go straight trough light to parking lot.
0845 – Arrive at Fields – Mesa(Grass in front of College) and Sullivan / Use HS parking lot
0900 – Kick off of first games U7 and U9
0930 – Kick off of U13 / U11 Play as much rugby as possible
1015 – Wrap up and move in between fields for social
1030 – HS Boys play 15s match / Girls Match ~10s (MYR watches)
1245 – Clean Up and HS social at Teen center
Changes to Game schedule:
MYR Championship weekend is moved from May 19th to May 12th. We still need parents to help form a committee to throw this final weekend with awards, trophies, and food. Please contact Joe if you can help.
May 19th, State Championships at Balloon Fiesta Park in Albuquerque for Celtic Festival . We hope to take one U-9 (Rio Rams), one U-11 (Owls) and one U-13 (Tigers) down. Please let us know if you want to participate ASAP. It will be tons of fun and the kids will play other youth teams from around the state.
May 26th- No Games. Optional Scrimmage at MRC fields.
We will have an informal summer touch league for parents and kids at the fields probably on Wednesday nights. Please see our website ( for updates or contact me if you have questions or concerns.
Joe Lewis
Rugby Development Officer
Mountain Youth Rugby
505 216 7529
Don’t Forget! – Hors d’oeurves hour Sat April 28th 5pm-6pm at San Francisco St. Bar and Grill. Please come meet the board and help support youth health and fitness. Please bring a friend too!
Results from Saturday

Rio Rams 40 def Los Alamos Orange 35
Wise Improvements Owls 40 def. LA Green Machine 20
2nd St TIgers 55 def La Rio Rabbits 25
These results were published in the Sunday New Mexican.
Thanks for playing everyone! We had a great time! Games in Los Alamos this weekend. Have a good practice!
Map to Practice Fields at Aspen Community Schools
Take the south entrance off La Madera between the portable class rooms. Because of construction you cannot access the field from the main school entrance
Games tomorrow
Your kids might have the opportunity to play 2 games tomorrow so try to stick around. The games start at 9am at the MRC. We will try to play 4 games. The young guys will start first and hopefully we will have enough for 2 games Rams vs LA (field 1 at 9:10am, U-9) and Owls vs Rams/LA little guys combo team (field 2, 9:20am, U-11). Then the Tigers vs the LA RIO Rabbits (field 1 at 9:45, U-13) and the Tigers/Rams Combo team vs LA Rabbits/Owls combo team at (10am on field 2). We should be done by 10:30. We will have a water jug out there but anything else should be provided by the parents so please bring snacks and juices. Please coordinate with each other. If you want to help ref please get there early so we can run you through the rules and you can shadow the first game with the refs. We could sure use the help.
I am looking forward to another day of fun for all of us!!!
Map to field
Google map to our game fields at the Santa Fe MRC
Municipal Recreation Center
205 Caja Del Rio Rd
Santa Fe, NM 87507
(505) 955-4470
Scrimmages this Saturday

Despite the Holiday weekend MYR is planning on some informal rugby youth non-contact games tomorrow morning (Saturday 4/7/12 at 9am) at the MRC pitches. It looks like our numbers will be a bit low because of the holiday and Los Alamos won’t be joining us but we should have enough for a few touch games at different levels. We might also get a visit from former league head Richard Morris (current High School Tackle coach) and Rob Day (youth director 2007-2011) who might have a special rugby surprise for us. If we don’t see you then have a great weekend and we will see you at practice next week.
Match Report 3/31/12
The Mountain Youth Rugby League held its first games of the season this past weekend. Two events were for the under 11(U-11) bracket and the under thirteen (U-13) bracket. The game with the younger kids looked like a bit chaotic from time to time, but they never stopped running and never seemed to run out of energy. There was plenty of scoring with the Wise Improvements Owls coming out on top 55 to 15 over the Rio Rams. Despite the trouncing, the losing team never became discouraged and gave it their all right up to the final whistle.
The older group displayed more rugby discipline having a better grasp of the rules of the game as they advanced the ball by hard running and smart passing. Once again there was plenty of scoring with the Second Street Tigers defeating the Los Alamos Rio Rabbits 50 to 35.
Joe Lewis, the league’s Rugby Development Officer, said there is still time for parents to register their kids into the program. There will be no games this Easter weekend, but play will resume April 14 at the Santa Fe Municipal Recreation Complex. He encourages all parents who think their children might be interested to come out with them and watch the games. They can sign up at that time.

All games at Santa Fe Municipal Recreation Complex (MRC) off Caja del Rio Rd. near SF Humane Society and Animal Shelter unless otherwise noted.
*Once coaches and teams are assigned you will be contacted with their information and practice schedule. Questions please email or call 505 216 7529.
Learn Rugby Clinic: Saturday, March 24th from 9-11:30 at DeVargas Middle School
Saturday, March 31st
U-11 games- 9am-10am
U-13 games- 10am-11am
U-15 games- 11-12am
Easter Weekend OFF
Saturday, April 14th
U-11 games- 9am-10am
U-13 games- 10am-11am
U-15 games- 11am-12pm
Saturday, April 21st (Los Alamos Field Day?)
U-11 games- 9am-10am
U-13 games- 10am-11am
U-15 games- 11am-12pm
Saturday, April 28th
U-11 games- 9am-10am
U-13 games- 10am-11am
U-15 games- 11am-12pm
Saturday, May 5th
U-11 games- 9am-10am
U-13 games- 10am-11am
U-15 games- 11am-12pm
Saturday, May 12th
U-11 games- 9am-10am
U-13 games- 10am-11am
U-15 games- 11am-12pm
Saturday, May 19th Championship week and Awards Ceremony!
U-11 games- 9am-10am
U-13 games- 10am-11am
U-15 games- 11am-12pm
12pm-12:30pm Awards Ceremony
Saturday, May 26th: State Championships at Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta Park for The Celtic Festival! (Games and Times TBD)
*Once coaches and teams are assigned you will be contacted with their information and practice schedule. Questions please email or call 505-216-7529.
Contact Info
Joe Lewis: 505 216 7529,
Melynn Schuyler: